Popped into Halfrauds for an oil filter for my V8, on the way to the petrol station the car died completely, (400 yards from my house but a set of lights and two 90 degree bends away). Worse still, there was smoke in the cabin and burning odours, I lifted the bonnet and it was clear, I fumbled under the dash and it was clear, there was absolutely no melted wires, nut no electrics at all to anything.
After being barked at by a passing constabulary representative that I couldn't use the tow rope I was planning to use, illegal now apparently, I resorted to the AA membership card and they turned up within 20 minutes, decided to tow it to my house and set about it.
His words, "sort the wiring and you'll have a fantastic car"
The source of the problem was really quite scary, The positive feed from the boot to the front of the car has to travel through three bulkheads, two of them had grommets, but one of them had collapsed, and one hole had none. The collapsed grommet had chafed through and was shorted out through the body. Hence the smoke and the now destroyed battery.
My next job then is to widen the holes in the bulkheads and put some proper sized grommets on them, I also have to reroute the cable around the engine as it currently chafing on the steering column.
This is a voyage of discovery for me and it may be a while before I can trust the car over a distance, still, it looks great and goes like stink.[8D]