
How to Put a PHOTO in your Signature

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jclay (RIP 2018)
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How to Put a PHOTO in your Signature

Postby jclay (RIP 2018) » 12 Mar 2008 12:36


Some members would like to know how to put photos in their Signature.

First, find the photo you want to use and copy it's URL. Now you come back to the Forum and click on the "Profile" link at the top right hand side of the window. You will have to re-enter your password to get to your Profile.

At the bottom right hand corner of the window is the "Signature" box. You can now click in the box and type in any text that you want to appear when you post. Now, you will have to manually insert the code for the photo link. The two codes are typed between a set of brackets [ ].

To start the code for a Photo, type "img" in the first set of [ ]. REMEMBER: NO Spaces! Now paste in the URL for the Photo. Follow this with the second set of brackets [ ] with the code "/img" in the middle.

Now go to the bottom of the Window and click: Submit

Here is how mine is set-up:

Have fun, drive fast & safe, be kewl,


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