

So, what’s happening on the classic car scene, especially wedge related events? Post your notices on here and let us all know about it.
paul w
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Postby paul w » 09 Mar 2009 17:33

Saturday,June 13th,11am to 4pm,c'mon,lets all get there early to
upset the register's 'old git down the pub'cloth cap and string back
glove brigade!You too can become an 'asbo'like me an'the green monster-
lets get along the front row to stop the TR3/4/5/6/stag owners putting
us back in a corner-you know it makes sense!
Ace Cafe London
Ace Corner
North Circular Road
NW10 7UD

Tel: 020 8961 1000

GPS Coordinate
N 51:32:26 (51.540455)
W 0:16:43 (-0.278664)

another photo shoot ruined-'they dont like it up'em ya know'!

See ya. Paul


john 215
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Postby john 215 » 09 Mar 2009 17:53

Hi Paul,
Will be there for sure, booked the day off already!!
Come on everyone and join 'THE Forum Massive!!!'
Cheers John


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Postby trv8 » 09 Mar 2009 18:53

I wouldn't mind going [:)], but it's over 2 1/2 hours [:0] of boring motorway [:(!] for me to get to the Ace Cafe. But you never know, if the sun is shining [8D] I might make the trek with the V8 growling beast [}:)].The earlier the better if it means annoying some cloth caps [;)].

Wayne S
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Postby Wayne S » 09 Mar 2009 22:50

I'll be doing something even more exciting as I'll be at Le Mans watching history unfold and getting rather smashed [}:)]

Enjoy ya'selves though! [8D]

<b>2.0 Litre DHC Grinnall
Red 4.0 Litre V8 DHC Grinnall (with huuuuuge arches...!)</b>

paul w
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Postby paul w » 09 Mar 2009 23:00

Wayne,i'd call a large fry up and a pint exciting these days-the suicide
run down the north circular can get the adrenalin surging a bit mind!

See ya. Paul


Wayne S
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Postby Wayne S » 10 Mar 2009 07:52

Haha yes Paul, you can play all sorts of games on the North Circular like "Keep your licence" and "dodge the camera" not to mention "bumper cars" [:D]

Sounds like a great event though, been keen to go but it always clashes with Le Mans.

Paul, you really must tell me what happened to make you so anti TR Reg! I'd love to hear the story.[:D]

<b>2.0 Litre DHC Grinnall
Red 4.0 Litre V8 DHC Grinnall (with huuuuuge arches...!)</b>

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Postby john » 10 Mar 2009 12:43

Ah i suspect it will be like many of us Wayne althought down at wessex i'm on the social committee side of the Register. there are still tooo many ole farts that publicly trash the TR7, even recently in TR ACTION we've had to defend the 7's corner (In 2009 i mean come on)

Time's are changing within the Register no doubt, but there is still an aftertaste from the eighties early nineties where we were literally shuned when you turned up at club meets and unfortunatly some area's are still like this.

Don't get me wrong, i mean here at Wessex i have the privilidge of knowing the Chairman Chris and ex chairman Ian of the Register and as we know Chris owns a Grinnall TR7 and the Group leader Nigel owns a FHC. we are prominently outnumbered by TR4's but isn't it fun to be a rebel.

So i'm not anti Register just saddened by some of it's older members who really need to smell the coffee, as they say.

[8 whole cylinders worth of punch to ram the world through the windshield and out the rear view mirror. Car & Driver]
1981 Grinnall TR7 v8
1981 Black FHC
1979 & 1980 Black Premium FHC(laid to rest) Sorry :-(


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Postby Odd » 10 Mar 2009 14:10

Sounds like you still have some problematic/narrow minded old farts in Britain,
but you're not alone: I'll relate a comment overheard at a TR Club Sweden AGM some years back.

They always run a people's choice photo competition, every year - and this is what a woman say to
her friend (when they stand looking at the row of photographs up for judgement):
"I do hope THAT picture don't get any points - there's a Spitfire visible in the mirror-image on the door!"

From the tone in her voice it was obvious she was <u>really</u> upset by a Spitfire being present in the TR Club
photo competition. FYI: The picture in case show an immaculate TR6 (with a faint mirror image of a
Spit in part of the driver's side door area)... If thinking out loud like that, regarding a car that was the
same age and that share lots of parts with the TR6, one can only think what she'd said if she'd seen a
TR7... (Personally I'd never set my foot in that club as a member! They snubbed me and my '70 Mk3 off
in 1978 - leading to the founding of the Triumph Club of Sweden in 1979. Our presidents wife, who over-
heard the above conversation, feels the same I can assure you.) No wonder most of the TR7 owners
in Sweden, as well as all but one of the TR8 owners prefer to be a member of the Triumph Club!

(Parts of?) the TR Club Sweden is obviously a bigot and narrow minded bunch who cannot realise that
the future will tell them the opposite. They need to understand we're all Triumphs, and if we don't unite
and work together: divided we will fall...

Image <font color="red"><b>My two 1980 Wedges...</b></font id="red">

paul w
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Postby paul w » 10 Mar 2009 19:10

Wayne,there are many incidents over many years and clubs-not just the
registers old gits!The ace was a case in point.Got there at 10.30 and
the register had taken the whole front row,i pulled in and went to
back into the only gap.On parking a pair of gentlemen(being tactful)
asked me to move"that space is reserved for a Triumph,would you please
park over there"pointing into a far corner of the car park.I smiled,
and got out of the wedge,and was again told to move as the register
were waiting on a late arrivee so they could have "a superb line of
tr's"to photograph.I tell it like it is,i'm afraid,told 'em to get a
life,and remove there heads from you know where.Thats how the monster
got christened 'ASBO'.I am sorry,Wayne,but i think you know me well
enough by now-i will go out of my way to help any one and treat each
as i would like to be treated,but i wont ***** foot around with plain
insults about the greatest and last TR ever built.Too many times this
has happened to me and other wedge owners.Some dont like to rawk the
boat,but i find it hard to bite my tongue these days.A few years ago
at a Triumph show at a race course in Surrey,i enquired about joining
the register.I was told point blank that a TR7 was not welcome and to
go find another club.So i tried the trssc,they were so luke warm i
nearly got frost bite!Also tried the others and met with more apathy-
didnt bother with the TRDC cos i thought they'd be the same.Thats how
much damage that can happen.Took another two years of solitude,amazing
how even other marques clubs derise the wedge,i'd get shoved in a far
corner,when all the old bangers got best spots.Then i met Mr.J Clancy
and the rest is history as they say.
I really love the TR7/8 and all the 8astardisations of it.I cannot
sit back and take any more 5hit from these ageing TR bigots who,now
have decided to open their arms to us,begrudgingly cos they know there
are many of us to swell their coffers.If they truely loved the wedge
i'd have joined all these clubs years ago.
Malvern,last year.All the wedges as far away from the rest of the tr's
as poss.It was mostly wedge owners walking round them-i know,talked
to many of them.The tr 3/4/5/6 all got center fields.As i arrived and
payed my hard earned money and asked where to park,i was jovially told
"the enemy(TRDC)go over there".I let that go.I honestly went to see
your mob,Wayne and Phil Horsely,but i also wanted to enjoy looking at
all the Triumph marque-Spits/2000's/GT6's/Herald's/Dolly's/and the
TR's-i am a car nut after all,but when chatting about a TR3a or a
TR5,and the conversation turned to "what you got"? there was always a
witty remark,no matter how well articulated.The wedge has been hated/
ignored/debased for so long its in the old gits blood!Comments like
"theres always one"!or "some ones gotta have one"or "rather you than
me,mate"just seem to roll off their tongues.the spit/GT6/2000 etc.owners
i talk to also feel like distant cousins to the 'other'tr's but even
some of them take pride in not having a wedge!
Why'd ya think there was little spares for wedge owners at Stoneleigh?
Only Bobsport/Rimmers really wanted to cater for us,most others do all
the other Triumphs,why not the wedge?And that black TR3 up for 30k!
ok it was well presented,but surely if the wedge was esteemed a bit
more it might fetch 10k.I know 30k is unlikely to be paid,but pleeeze!
Sorry to go on and on and on,but this really gets my goat!I gotta go
lie in a darkened room for a bit.
Oh,yeah.there was this time when an old git said blah,blah,blah....
p.s.i really love that car Wayne,and even that has had a hard time in
the past with the old gits,has'nt it!

See ya. Paul


Wayne S
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Postby Wayne S » 10 Mar 2009 20:14

Crikey Paul, all becomes clear.

Im really sorry that you have had to put up with that crap, im not sure I would have been so restrained. It's odd, maybe its becuase im young that I dont get the same treatment. I have never encountered anything as harsh as that, sure I get the odd quip or comment but I have grown a thick skin to it all really and know enough about the earlier cars to point out several faults with theirs as well if needs be [:D]

Lets remember that when the register was started, owners with modern TR's i.e those with wind up windows TR4 / 5 /6 were only allowed affliate membership as they weren't regarded as true TR's - they were the TR2 - 3a's!!! [:0]

Eventually things change but there are those old farts who still believe in such ridiculous things, but those with wind up windows have no room to talk!

Your quite right though Paul, when my old man sold his 6 for a Dove so that he could fit his newborn kids in the back, you literally couldnt give them away. True TR's didnt have roofs and whoa its like an MGB (it actually pre-dates it) plus it wasn't made by the Standard Triumph factory but designed by Harrington Sunbeam and built by Doves of Wimbledon (lots of Grinnall parallels there). Now of course they are much sought after rarities and fetch huge prices. My old mans has a race engine in it producing around 165BHP and was a 4 year nut and bolt restoration project, bought with no floors in 1984 for about £400! I used to help him in the garage as a tot and thats where my TR love came from.

It's interesting you should point out that particular Dove though Paul;

Its owned by one of the TR Registers longest members. At the group leaders AGM last weekend I stood up in front of the floor and raised the issue of TR7 owners being shunned at local meets. All were in agreement that this was unaccepetable and not representative of the majority feeling of the club. However the owner of that Dove was not backward in coming forward with silly remarks and heckles throughout the day. My response? Well my Grinnall's are genuine Grinnall's built by Grinnall. That Dove there is in actual fact a replica, a good one, but a replica nonethelessmade from a collection of bits from various cars and many patterns from my Dad's - So who has the most rights to calling their car a genuine TR?

So, for every remark theres a retaliation, of course it should never come to that and its sad that the occasional uneducated numpty raises their voice - as its the bad remarks that stick in your mind not the good ones.

All I can say is that its up to us to grow a thick skin and persevere to fly the flag for the wedges to make sure they get continued parts support from the clubs and traders.
I have grown up with the TR Register from a child (my first International Weekend was 1987 aged 3)around early cars mostly but always liked the wedges from a distance. I was never aware of any divide and still to this day the general reception I get is a good one. I was always after a TR6, but since "discovering " Grinnall's I dont see myself ever going that way, they would be somewhat of a dissapointment to drive now.

Rest assured there are some unashamed wedgeheads in the other clubs!

Club Triumph can be just as bad for their wedge-knocking jibes and even the TRDC had some kind of misunderstanding recently over some remark about advice for non-members at a show - not at all the view of the club as a whole of course, as they are <b>THE FRIENDLIEST </b> club for wedge owners, but it does go to show that it only takes one person to make a bad impression despite the best efforts of those in charge [:(]

I think car clubs can be funny animals but you have to weave your way through the pitfalls and the prats I think and enjoy the benefits more than anything. I meet more top blokes like yourself who are always willing to help than numpty's. You should definately come along to Malvern again this year Paul as I can promise things are going to be a lot different than previous years! [8D]

As long as we still have our monsters Paul, they'll all be drowned out by V8 rumble anyway [:D]

I now feel a bit guilty about hijacking this thread somewhat.... [:(]

<b>2.0 Litre DHC Grinnall
Red 4.0 Litre V8 DHC Grinnall (with huuuuuge arches...!)</b>

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Postby busheytrader » 10 Mar 2009 22:35

Many of us have shared the same experiences with our wedges.

I made my point in the latest TR Action (223 March 2009 page 10. The title of my letter "Yoof and modern classics" was donated by the magazine but "7's Unappreciated by Old Classic Farts" or "Old Blokes Standing by Their Classics in Fields Snub Curious Teenagers" are just as appropriate. Adam Posner aka BusheyTrader, that's me. I'm in Bushey Herts and involved in energy trading, hence the handle BusheyTrader.

In 1986 I bought my 7DHC, joined the TR Register and went along to North London group meeting. I met the enthusiastic group leader but also general disinterest from the others about 7's. I attended a couple of group meetings but no more after that due to their apathy. By 1991 I'd converted my 7 to V8 spec and had a crack at another group meeting but met more enthusiasm from the hot hatch owners in the pub car park than from the attending TR Register members.

In 2000 I moved to Bushey and whilst driving my V8DHC locally I was followed, no make that chased by Stuart, the local group leader of the TRDC in his TR7V8FHC. I didn't know he was trying to keep up and eventually lost him. However, he trawled the local roads until he spotted my car in the driveway. He invited me to their group meetings, practically all wedges. Unfortunately, work committments prevented me from attending after several months as Wednesdays became difficult. A shame - nice people and I was made welcome.

Paul - I'm up for the Ace Cafe June 13th early in the morning for a front and centre photoshoot..... I'm practically a local. The DHC's a bit rough around the edges though.

Wayne - I appreciate your sentiments and after what you said about Malvern being more Wedge relevant I'd be going if the family holiday didn't start that weekend.

If the shortsighted grass roots levels of these car clubs don't present a more welcoming attitude, they will eventually fade away.


TR7 V8 DHC Jaguar Solent Blue. 9.35cr Range Rover V8, Holley 390cfm, JWR Dual Port, 214 Cam, Lumention, Tubular Manifolds, Single Pipe Exh, 3.08 Rear, 200lb Spax & Solid Bushes, Anti- Dive, Granada Vented Discs & Calipers, Braided Hoses, Green Stuff, 4 Speed Rear Cylinders, Uprated Master Cylinder & Servo, AT 5 Spokes and Cruise Lights. No Door Stickers. Mine since July 1986, V8 from 1991

john 215
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Postby john 215 » 29 May 2009 20:23

Time to remind everyone of this meet. I going, as is Zoe and Paul W. Who else [?] [?] [?] [?]

Cheers John


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Postby zoe » 29 May 2009 21:01

i will make sure i park rite in the middle of them and they realy wont like that Amber isnt as posh as them lol , dont u worry i will give them as good as they give me !!!!


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Postby zoe » 29 May 2009 21:02

i want pride of place rite outside the doors , like i get once a month there on a tues nite !!!!!


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Postby tr7inc » 29 May 2009 21:04

Zoe what will you do with all that attention!, have fun


1979 BL Press Car Pre Production Prototype Inca Yellow DHC

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