
Today at Duxford airfield

So, what’s happening on the classic car scene, especially wedge related events? Post your notices on here and let us all know about it.
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paul w
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Today at Duxford airfield

Postby paul w » 01 Sep 2019 21:41

First proper showing of the recommissioned monster I went along to the TSSC show at Duxford in Cambridgeshire.

We were blessed with the nicest people and cars AND super weather to boot! There were many Spitfires - Cars and planes ! Loads of GT6's, Dollies, Stags, TR4/5/6's and three Sevens ! Several other makes too. After a decade away from shows, I was pleasantly surprised to find a genuine like for my car with a lot of viewers who had nothing but compliments. 10 years ago, I woulda' got a ton of snide remarks and scorn from the 'old git brigade', but how times have changed with a general warmth for the wedge. A lot of folks were saying how the seven had grown more attractive with age, and how mine looked so modern wearing its body kit, a 'win, Win' indeed, esp. as some of these comments were coming from TR5/6 and stag owners.

Happy dayz indeed !
See ya', Paul.

Rust Hunter
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Joined: 09 May 2015 16:11

Re: Today at Duxford airfield

Postby Howard_B » 15 Sep 2019 18:46

A bit late reply but was there with my red 7. Paul's looked good and I really liked his rear spoiler.

A few days later on the CT 10 Countries run we had another brace and a half of 7's. Its should have been 4, but sadly one failed on the way to the start in northern France. The rest of us made it but not without a few scares in my case (major oil leak from pressure switch when hot)

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