Here's a few pic'a from out club'a 14th Annual car show. It was in the 80's, not a cloud the sky, a nice breeze of the ocean (if you weren't in the trees). The MG Club of Calgary showed up (they were invited when Brits 'Round BC crossed the border and they show'ed up and were invited to stay for the after show club barbecue. Over 260 cars and bikes. There was music, draws (wine baskets and vendor donations) water park for the kiddies, lots of visiting. We make a sizable donations to a Ladysmith charity in return for using the park. We even imported some UK Bobbies to keep law and order in the Wild West (actually they were advertising a British restaurant in Parksville). A good relaxing day. Every one likes coming to the show, it's free for everyone and the locals and visitors really appreciate seeing the old British cars that they rarely see on the highway.
I tried out my cassette deck in the factory radio that comes as part of the Spider edition (for the fist time in 8 years) and it worked surprisingly well even with the original wasp nest paper speakers so I had music blaring on the trip up and pulling into the park. (All my music is from the 50's, 60's, 70's and a few from the early 80's). To quote Paul Lemat from American Graffiti "Musics been going down hill since Buddy Holly died".[:p]
This old Bentley (I think it is but not sure) the guy inherited it from his grandfather as he was the only kid that helped him work on it) so he shipped it to Halifax and drove from the docks across Canada to Vancouver Island. Talk about an adventure.
- - -TR7 Spider - - - 1978 Spitfire- - - - 1976 Spitfire - - 1988 Tercel 4X4 - Kali on Integra - 1991 Integra - Yellow TCT