I'm with Wayne on this one - it is a very good show. It must cost a fortune to put on each year and that is one of the reasons why the TRDC are up for helping out. Dwindling numbers of all Triumphs will mean shows on such a scale will be a thing of the past eventually so we'd better make the best of it whilst they're here. Unless BMW ever get the proposed new TR sports model on sale of course.
I have attended better events in the US and the 2010 Standard-Triumph Marque Day at Prescott will also take a lot of beating but really the TR Register at Malvern is very near the top when it comes to Triumph events in the UK. Mixing up the cars would improve things even further but I expect that would upset many traditional TR owners who would prefer if the TR had have died with the TR6 (or even the TR3B!).
<center><b>[url="http://www.triumphdvd.co.uk"]Triumph TR7 and other car documentaries on DVD here[/url]</b></center>